Monday, August 27, 2007

On Roleplaying and madness...

Talking about the community in general from my last entry made me think about the roleplaying aspect of EVE. Unlike many MMO's, EVE is actively roleplayed by hundreds, if not thousands, of it's playerbase, because of it's rich, yet easy to get into background story, and continual combat over such. Not only that, CCP themselves support the roleplayers by "sprinkling" some more backstory dependant upon player actions. A good example of this would be the "Speakers of Truth" arc that Amarr roleplayers participated in, in escorting a Speaker of Truth to a designated planet, and defending him.

I've been meaning to get into the roleplay aspect of EVE myself. I've long had an Amarr main roughly a year ago (which I deleted out of drunken stupidiness, last time I ever drank too) that I wanted to take onto the very active Amarr vs Mimmatar roleplay scene.

But of course, my she-devil of a sister invites me to a friend's party, got drunk, and basically my brain deep-fried itself on the alcohol that I dont have tolerance to.

Oh yes, CCP says they cannot restore characters after deletion (yes, I was drunk for the 10 hours it required to "time out" a character for deletion. Even longer story for that)...

Funny note: I'm hearing now that they do restore characters now if "mistakenly" deleted. Big WTF right there...

And so, this has started a pet project of mine that will span a solid year and then some of training, playing, and roleplaying: the creation of a new main for myself.

Now you may be going "woah woah what have you been doing since my last deleted main?". Well I've got another character trained basically to do missions (lvl4, aka battleship-level missions), for funding, and to keep my interest going and knowing the ins and outs of any updates whilst this new main trains.

Yes, I must be mad. One year of solid training. Indeed I am mad.

Then again, only the mad are truly free, so might as well :D

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